We are constantly seeking opportunities to protect and promote biodiversity.

Preserving what matters
According to the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Global Risks Report, biodiversity loss is listed as the third most severe risk on a global scale over the next 10 years. We know that our operations and facilities have an impact on local habitats and we aim to preserve and restore more land than we impact.

Considering biodiversity before breaking ground
Our approach to biodiversity begins where we’re making the most impact: at our data centers.
Before we break ground, sensitive biodiversity areas are identified on the greenfields, and during design and construction, impacts to them are avoided, minimized, or mitigated.
Each Meta data center site is designed to promote biodiversity through the planting of native and adaptive landscape, mimicking the site’s natural hydrology and reducing urban heat island effect.
project spotlight
Bayfront Campus at MPK
Spanning 80 acres, the Bayfront Campus provides a healthy and resilient landscape for people to work, socialize and connect with nature. With one of the most unique green roofs in the world, over 14 acres of on-structure and rooftop gardens feature a diverse landscape of California natives, Oak Savanna, South African, New Zealand, Australian and other drought tolerant plant communities.
The 14-acre green roof and 17-acre park feature a diverse plant palette supporting biodiversity for local habitats, including:
— 2,500 trees of 70 species
— 40 botanical zones
— 250+ plant species
In addition to supporting migratory birds and other wildlife, this urban forest sequesters carbon, improves air quality, reduces stormwater run-off and establishes shaded relief from the urban heat island.

Preventing wildlife trafficking
We are committed to combating illegal wildlife trafficking across our family of apps and are part of the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online.
We regularly collaborate with our conservation partners to better understand the data and methods in which illegal wildlife trade might be facilitated across our apps.
In addition, we actively monitor endangered species content per our Community Standards and maintain ongoing enforcement in this space.
2024 Sustainability Report
Learn more about our progress as we work to achieve net zero emissions across our value chain and become water positive in 2030.